Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Busy Busy... Busy? And 2009 in Review!

I have to confess, I've been a bit of a slacker lately. I have so much going on in my life that it's hard to find time to write on this blog! I write a lot throughout the day... notes in class, hard- copy journal, electronic prayer journal, and I'm trying to work on a book, too. Not to mention papers, and homework.

Anyway, I realize that a ton of stuff happened to me this past year, and I didn't write about a lot of it on here. So to recap, here is a list of stuff that happened- that I can remember off the top of my head, anyway:

Medallion Scholars Board
Crazy lunches with Mom & Grandma, and date shakes
First major boyfriend
First major break- up
Nominated for Fiesta Bowl Queen by ASU's VP
Cappuccinos with Katie
Cracker's breakfast of the best french toast in the world with Nikki
Teaching my cousin a piano tune
Building my first Gingerbread House
Cousins eating said gingerbread house
Long walks with the dog
Breakfast with Sandra Day O'Connor
Inducted into NSCS
Becoming an Awana leader
Getting 100% on a leadership test!
Crocheting blankets
Starting a club at school
Friday night Bible studies
Adding another major and a minor (I'm crazy)
Painting with Lindsay
Discovering I have an owl obsession :)
I had a dream in all Hebrew
Being nominated for a prestigious study abroad program
Not being able to go :(
Basketball with my brother
Learning guitar
Playing piano at someone's wedding
Work injury
Really, really, REALLY bad summer
Making tons of new friends
Being chosen as a CLAS Ambassador
Speaking engagements
Dean's list
Helping out with church nursery & Sunday School
Holding my NT professor accountable
(he wasn't counting on anybody actually knowing Greek & Hebrew hehe... oh that was fun...)
New songs I composed
Being paid as a percussionist
The Mayor of Gilbert applauding my sweet bass drumming skills (long story)
Coldstone with Colter
Naomi and baby Silas
Cousin Larissa and Godiva chocolate excursions
Boys & Girls Club, and reading books to little kids
Chili's appetizers with new friends
Lots of volunteer work
Being a peer mentor, and Kimberly
Learning to sew, finding I LOVE it
Lots of new, good books (the BEST thing sometimes)
New Book of my own

Well, that's a lot, and yet strangely inadequate. I need pictures, my blog doesn't have near enough pictures. I'll go see what I can find. :D

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